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If you're thinking of contributing, be sure to take a look at the "Contributor's Guidelines" section on this page.

Contributor's Guidelines

What we're looking for is book reviews, articles about writing, poetry, short fiction (i.e. no novels, please)photos, and anything else you can come up with.
There is no minimum or maximum length, but in the case of extended works the editor may choose to include only certain snippets with the writer's permission.
You can send writing either in the text of an e-mail or as an attached file. Please include your name, as you want it to appear, and your state/province and country. Pictures and artwork may be submitted in JPG, JPEG, or GIF format. All work submitted must be original and must not fall under any other copyright laws. However, after any of your work is published in this e-zine, you retain all rights to it; you may send it to contests and/or submit it to other places for publication.

Subscription Information

If you send me your e-mail address, I'll let you know when there are new postings or when I publish a new edition. That way you can always stay up to date!

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